Looking for insights into psychology, communication and marketing, taking some specific courses or hiding behind a stack of books. Silvia Pagano of Paris Bootcamp Marketing Automation Bootcamp Marketing Automation No Comments Pack your computer, wipe down your French, and attend an intensive refresher session in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. As we've already mentioned in our previous articles, is a modern marketing platform that allows you to automate complex cross-channel processes for promotions and sales.
A sophisticated mix of technical Latest Mailing Database capabilities (integrations, cloud connectors, ) and marketing (personas, scoring, analytics) enables you to create tailored marketing campaigns for your business and precisely address your leads, then nurture and convert them Enter customers and make it an effective tool for serving and company. During the two-day training camp, the three-personality system integrator, strategist and executive who will be sent to Paris will focus on the implementation of the platform. After an introduction to the data model, the focus of the lab will be on database configuration, integration with third-party resources, and advanced segmentation techniques. What ingenious new marketing plans will our team come up with when they come back from training camp? Only by contacting us will you know.
Silvia Pagano Digital marketer, even though my first love is writing. You can find me in Milan, looking for insights into psychology, communication and marketing, taking some specific courses or hiding behind a stack of books. Benefits of Geolocation in Travel Silvia Pagano Advertising Marketing Automation Travel Marketing Geolocation, Google Maps No Opinion One of the most discussed topics in online advertising is the geolocation of advertising, or targeting based on a specific geographic area. This is a tactic used especially in certain industries, such as travel or catering, to capture users when they are physically.