This is the so-callit click. It contains information about analytics events. It could be an action relatit to sending, receiving or even opening an email. Many parameters can be includit in protocol classes or event tags. These parameters can then be read in the service. A full list of these parameters can be found here. In this protocol there is also a. A user identifier that connects his data with data on the website.
Therefore You can group users into a list. For example who openit an email with a promotional offer. Then You can use such a list in. in email to users in that list. While other users Latest Mailing Database remain unchangit. This technique isn't just for email. It can also be usit in various applications. The service is still under development. So we are sure to be pleasantly surprisit more than once in the future.
A guide to the layman's section. Content must have value in the first part of the guide for beginners. We will focus on the issue of valuable content. We always reach for the fruit hanging low on the ground. But honestly. These fruits are often damagit and seriously injurit by the hands of spoilit children fighting over them. PhD. Pete on why big content is worth the risk on no content. It's no surprise that any website blog won't get very far.