I'd like to suggest Eagle kite purely because CLS sucks that much. Apart from PvP it has pretty much no utility, being outclassed by other equipment (usually more powerful rapier) in every situation. Bandos can be argued that maul has more damage and RS gold time, but CLS lets you tank with the shield.
If Jad is the only thing you'll ever utilize an Eagle kites for, then it's not worth the cost. There are plenty of rewards more valuable than CLS. My view of the most effective order to get items in: Arc Stream - cheap & best mage ammy in game. Rapier - best melee weapon in game. I wouldn't want to use it solely for Jad, definitely to other uses. I already have a rapier, by the way. That's why I was trying to figure out the CLS. If it's really not much better than a Rapier in terms of bossing I could be able to get it following the shield.
Hey guys - I'm sure there's plenty of such threads. I used to address them myself some time in the past, but honestly am unsure of about cheap OSRS GP what's happening, what changes have happened in the past, what's best/bad/nooby and so on.