Tele Broadcast has always FIFA 23 Coins been reliable during FIFA games, providing an even balance between close control and a greater picture. The setting of the zoom to zero is additionally important to get as much detail on the screen as is possible, since otherwise, you're going to not see the runs you're passing from deep.
The camera's elevation is a somewhat more flexible it provides a number of options based on the way you prefer to view. Set it at 10 gives you a general best-case vision of pitch, letting you see from sideline to line, raising it to 20, for example, can help you judge your timings for runs better and eliminate offsides that frustrate you regardless of the fact that you lose some information in the wide areas.
Finally, the FIFA 23 power shot zoom should always be turned off. While it looks cool, it makes both the defense against the power shot and aiming it a lot more challenging and inconsistent. At first, you might be distracted by power shots that are not something you'd normally recognize by the camera's motion, but you'll quickly be able to recognize them and manage them well.
The Co-op camera is further out compared to Tele Broadcast, giving you an enlarged view of the field. What this lets you think about your passes better, as you can discern where everyone in your team is, and therefore visualise a route to your goal accordingly.
One thing to consider though is that at a higher level small adjustments and informs might be harder to interpret which makes it easier to fall into traps when trying to defend. If you're not the most prepared defender, particularly when you're using the new manual focus system, then this might not be FUT 23 Coins buy the right option for you.